The official kick-off meeting European COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) Action CA19127 CONNECT-Cognitive decline in Nephro-Neurology: European Cooperative Target was held online according to pandemic conditions. This meeting was the official start date of four-year-period action to create a scientific network across Europe. CONNECT aims to coordinate research on cognitive impairment in CKD. This requires exchanging clinical information between nephrologists and neurologists, and between neuroscientists and kidney physiologists, guided by big data analysts. This collaborative network will define new experimental paradigms, their translational value and, in turn, focus on new interventions in the field of cognitive impairment. The network currently involves 25 countries with a number of researchers, physicians and neuroscientists.
Thirty-two members of Management Committee were present at the meeting. In the meeting, Chair, Vice-Chair, Action Key Leaders were elected in accordance with COST rules and policy. Two-day meeting was successful to start a collaboration for the next four year-period. During this time, by expanding this network, contributing to the field is among the main objectives of the Action.