Dissemination Conference Grants

The first Call for Applications for Grant Period 3 is currently open.  The deadline for conferences taking place before 31st October 2023 is 20th August 2023.

Contact: gb.capasso@unicampania.it

Dissemination Conference Grants aim at increasing the visibility of the COST Action Connect ‘Cognitive decline in Nephro-Neurology: European Cooperative Target’ in high-level international scientific conferences not organized by the COST Action. These grants provide financial support for their participation in high-level conferences. Beneficiaries will be able to present the Action, their activities, and results (oral presentation) in them.

The applicant can request up to 2.000€ for in-person conferences, and up to 500€ for online conferences.

If funded, the applicant must use the COST Action Logo and reference it in their presentation or poster.

Eligibility Criteria

  1. The applicant must be a member of the Action.
  2. The applicant must give an oral or poster presentation at the conference in question, and must be listed in the official event program.
  3. The main subject of the presentation or talk must be on the topic of the COST Action and must acknowledge Connect project.

How to apply?

Applications are submitted through the e-COST platform and will be evaluated by Action Chair and Grant Awarding Coordinator.

They must upload the following documents:

  1. Filled in Dissemination Conference Grant application form. A template for the application form can be found here;
  2. An acceptance letter from the conference organizers (confirming either the applicant’s speaking slot or poster presentation);
  3. Copy of the abstract of the accepted oral or poster presentation;
  4. Acceptance letter from the conference organizers.

For further information, please consult the user guide for Dissemination Grants.

After Participation in the Conference

Within 30 days of participation in the Conference (or 15 days before the end of the Grant Period, whichever comes first), the Dissemination Conference Grant grantee must upload a final report on e-cost stating the outcome of the presentation of the accepted contribution, in terms of grantee visibility, including the establishment of new contacts for new collaborations, together with

  • the certificate of conference attendance.
  • the program of the conference or book of abstracts / proceedings indicating the presentation (oral or poster) of the grantee.
  • copy of the given presentation (oral or poster).

A template for the final report can be found here.

The grant will be paid after the approval of the final report.

In case of non-participation by the beneficiary of the Grant in the conference, Cost Derogation Procedures will be followed.

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