2nd MC Meeting

Date: 28.09.2021 14:00-17:00 CET (Naples)
Venue: Zoom
Location: Zoom

The 2nd MC meeting was held virtually on September 28th, 2021. With representatives of 26 COST member countries, the CONNECT Action completed its first year. During the meeting, our science officer explained the new COST rules, MC member from Italy Davide Viggiano shared the results of the survey conducted to determine the fields of expertise of CONNECT members. While working group leaders made evaluations about the first grant period, Prof. Giovambattista Capasso, the Chair of our Action, shared the budget details. We shared our ideas for new projects and new collaborations for the upcoming grant period. The outputs of our Action can be found here: Results and STSM and ITC.One of the most important goals of our Action is to expand this interdisciplinary network and to produce new projects. Therefore, we are always open to new participants and new collaborations.

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