ITC Conference Call 2023

Deadline for application: August 31st, 2023

ITC Conference ITC Grants (Up to 2000€ for face-to-face conferences or 500€ for virtual conferences) are aimed at supporting young researchers and/or innovators (age below 40) from participating Inclusiveness Target Countries (ITC*) to attend international science and technology-related conferences not specifically organized by the COST Action.

* ITC (Inclusiveness Target Countries): Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Moldova, Montenegro, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey, and the Republic of North Macedonia.

Eligibility Criteria
  1. The Applicant must be a young researcher and/or innovator, with an age below 40;
  2. The Applicant’s primary affiliation in an institution located in an ITC;
  3. The Applicant must make an oral/poster presentation at an international science and technology-related conference and must be listed in the official event/conference program. The main subject of the oral presentation/poster presentation/speech at the approved conference must be on the topic of the Action CONNECT and must acknowledge COST. Congresses within the same nation as the applicant are also eligible.

The participation of each Applicant will be pre-approved by the MC of the COST Action CONNECT.

How To Apply?

To apply for a Conference Grant within the CONNECT Cost Action (CA19127):

  1. Submit an ITC grant application using the e-COST official link. Please search in the menu our COST Action identified with code ‘CA19127’. If you do not already have an e-COST account you will first need to ‘create an account’ on this page – which will include providing the details of the bank account where the grant will be lodged if your ITC grant application is approved and the ITC successfully completed.
    The ITC application requires the following documents: CV, description of involvement in the CONNECT COST action, acceptance letter of the abstract, copy of the abstract
  2. Download the pdf of the completed ITC grant application from e-cost. Send this pdf to ITC Conference Grants Manager Dr Ana Carina Ferreira ( before the deadline
Application Process

The ITC Conference Grants Manager pre-evaluates all submitted applications in the context of their compatibility and relevance with the topic of the Action. The Grants Manager also checks if the applicant is below 40 years of age.

The result of the pre-approval is the ranking list and the actual number of applications to be funded is determined by the available budget.

The ITC Conference Grants Manager confirms available funding with the Grant Manager and informs successful Applicants about the result of the pre-approval.

The Applicants that were successful during the pre-approval must then formally submit their applications via e-COST.

The action Chair approves the applications that have been successfully pre-approved.

The Grant Holder sends the grant letter.

Before filling out the application, please consult the ITC Conference Grant rules in the COST Annotated Rules (page 96).

If you have any enquiries please contact ITC Conference Grants Manager Ana Carina Ferreira, MD PhD (

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