Working Groups
To ensure the progress of our COST Action, CONNECT has established 5 Working Groups (WGs).
Working Group 1 (WG1)
Pre-clinical research
The main objective of WG1 is to strengthen collaboration on pre-clinical models for kidney disease and brain research. This main objective will be reached by achieving below objectives:
- 1. Gain understanding of current state-of-the-art animal models and imaging tools available for these animal models;
- 2. Coordination of pre-clinical research efforts on MCI-CKD (merge currently separated research lines);
- 3. Bridge the preclinical MCI and CKD fields to form an interdisciplinary field.
Working Group 2 (WG2)
Clinical research and clinical trials
The main objective of WG2 is to disseminate knowledge on clinical research and clinical trials on cognitive impairment in CKD. Thereby, more, and more successful clinical trials can be conducted on the prevalence, risk factors, and best treatments of MCI-CKD. This main objective will be reached by achieving below objectives:
- 1. Define the needs for clinical research and clinical trials to be conducted;
- 2. Development and publication of MCI-CKD clinical trial guidelines and/or best practices;
- 3. Coordinate clinical cohort and trial data collection;
- 4. Define methodological challenges in clinical trials;
- 5. Exchange knowledge of existing and new clinical cohorts and clinical trial conduction in MCI-CKD;
- 6. Involve clinical researchers currently not conducting clinical trials within MCI-CKD.
Working Group 3 (WG3)
Clinical practice
The main objective of WG3 is to strengthen collaborations between nephrologists and neurologists to ensure they speak a common language. When their knowledge is up to date on MCI-CKD, clinicians will be able to cross-diagnose beyond their own expertise and refer patients to neurologists or nephrologists for further diagnosis and treatment when appropriate. This main objective will be reached by achieving below objectives:
- 1. Develop a common clinical understanding of MCI-CKD;
- 2. Develop and publish guidelines for testing for – and/or treatment of – MCI-CKD;
- 3. Foster knowledge exchange: a) educate nephrologists on tests used for cognitive impairment and its treatment, and b) educate neurologists on the diagnosis and role of CKD in MCI and its treatment;
- 4. Develop a joint research agenda to investigate MCI-CKD.
Working Group 4 (WG4)
Data management and bioinformatics
- 1. Map the software and analytical needs of preclinical and clinical researchers;
- 2. Train researchers in the use of bioinformatic tools for big data.
Working Group 5 (WG5)
Inclusiveness and dissemination
- 1. Disseminate CONNECT outcomes to relevant stakeholders to ensure uptake by the broader scientific and clinical community, and guidelines;
- 2. Create an international platform for MCICKD research to ensure active participation of clinicians and scientists to ensure growth of the field during, and after completion of the COST Action.